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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
oCAllTestsCollectorA collector for the AllTests class
oCArrayStandard ECMA class
oCAssertA set of assert methods
oCAssertionFailedErrorThrown when a test assertion fails
oCBaseTestRunnerGeneral base class for an application running test suites
oCCallStackCallStack object
oCClassicResultPrinterThe ResultPrinter of JsUnit 1.1
oCComparisonFailureThrown when a test assert comparing equal strings fail
oCCtxTestRunnerClass for an application running test suites with the BroadVision ctxdriver and console output
oCCtxWriterClass for an application running test suites with the BroadVision ctxdriver and console output
oCEmbeddedTextTestRunnerClass for an embeddable text-oriented TestRunner used in other applications with a status report
oCErrorError class according ECMA specification
oCExceptionTestCaseA TestCase that expects an exception of class mClass to be thrown
oCFunctionStandard ECMA class
oCFunctionGluingErrorFunctionGluingError class
oCGenericTestCollectorA generic collector for all Test classes within a scope
oCHTMLTestRunnerClass for an application running test suites reporting in HTML
oCHTMLWriterFilterA filter for a PrinterWriter encoding HTML
oCInterfaceDefinitionErrorInterfaceDefinitionError class
oCJsUnitErrorJsUnitError class
oCJsUtilHelper class with static flags
oCNSServerTestRunnerClass for an application running test suites with a Netscape Server
oCNSServerWriterPrinterWriter for an application running test suites with the Netscape Server
oCPrinterWriterA PrinterWriter is an abstract base class for printing text
oCPrinterWriterErrorPrinterWriterError class
oCProtectableA protectable can be run and throw an Error
oCRepeatedTestA Decorator that runs a test repeatedly
oCResultPrinterClass to print the result of a TextTestRunner
oCStringStandard ECMA class
oCStringWriterThe PrinterWriter into a String
oCSystemWriterThe PrinterWriter of the JavaScript engine
oCTestA test can be run and collect its results
oCTestCaseA test case defines the fixture to run multiple tests
oCTestCaseCollectorA TestCase collector for all test cases within a scope
oCTestCollectorA collector for Test classes
oCTestDecoratorA Decorator for Tests
oCTestFailureA TestFailure collects a failed test together with the caught exception
oCTestListenerA listener for test progress
oCTestRunListenerA listener interface for observing the execution of a test run
oCTestRunnerTestRunner of JsUnit 1.1
oCTestSetupA Decorator to set up and tear down additional fixture state
oCTestSuiteA TestSuite is a composition of Tests
oCTestSuiteCollectorA TestSuite collector for all test suites within a scope
oCTextTestRunnerClass for an application running test suites with a test based status report
\CXMLResultPrinterConvert the result of a TextTestPrinter into XML to be used by JUnitReport

JsUnit © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007 by Jörg Schaible
Generated on Wed Apr 15 2015 02:33:07 for JsUnit by doxygen 1.8.5