JsUnit |
To create an object in JavaScript you have to use the new operator. Every time this operator will call a function that creates automatically the new object implicitly. The new object is of the type of the function. This means the function's code represents the class definition, the "constructor" is the function call itself. Since JsUnit 1.2 the standard inheritance mechanism described in the JavaScript guide 1.5 for the object model is supported and preferred.
JsUnit follows the scheme that all member variables are declared within this constructor. Afterwards all member functions are declared, using the name schema classname_memberfunctionname. All member functions are then added to the prototype of the class. This prevents naming conflicts in the global namespace. The first section within the constructor is used for the inheritance. Call a base class by using the call method of its constructor:
After calling the constructor you should initialize the member variables by assigning them a value:
After writing the constructor it is the time to define all member functions. Declare the function using the class name as prefix. Assign all functions afterwards to the prototype:
The assignment of the methods is quite cumbersome for a big number of member functions and it is easy to forget one. Therefore the Function object has been enhanced with a new method glue that automates this assignment as long as the naming convention is honored:
It is no problem to overload a function that was already assigned in a the base class. Call the overloaded function using its apply or call method in the prototype of the constructor:
You may also define static member variables using a prototype definition:
The previous chapter followed the coding convention of the JavaScript Reference Guide. A convention always imply you may use an alternative coding style, the Perl script js2doxy.pl will understand even this:
The advantage of method f2
definition is, that the code is quite compact and keeps the global namespace clean. The disadvantage is that the function itself has no name and the call stack (if supported by the engine) will return an anonymous function call.
JavaScript does not support interfaces (although implements is a keyword). Since it is quite handy to be sure that a class supports a defined number of functions, the system implements a new member function fulfills of the class Function that performs this action. Since the functions of an interface are never called, they can be implemented quite minimalistic:
An interface definition may only define member functions, but no member variables. To ensure that a class fulfills this interface you call its function fulfills
Writing unit tests you have to write at first test cases for your classes. The programming paradigm of eXtreme Programming demands writing your test cases first. Then you are able to program your class against the test case, so you know when you are ready. Anyway, writing a test case means deriving from class TestCase:
Overload the setUp function if necessary:
Add your test fixtures:
You may also overload the tearDown function. To complete the class you have to assign the methods
In a final step you have to create a TestSuite out of all your test classes. Derive your own test suite from the TestSuite:
You may add as many test classes as you want or even other test suites. The test methods will automatically found if they follow the naming conventions.
After writing the test cases we need an application to run the tests. The application has the responsibility to include all necessary sources. Create a TestRunner for reporting the results, add all wanted test suites to the runner and perform the test. The TestRunner itself is normally also a derived class, that has reporting functions that work perfectly in the system environment. See below a sample callable from the JavaScript shells:
This file can also be included from HTML code using a script tag. See AllScripts.html that demonstrated this reuse.
JsUnit provides a special EmbeddedTextTestRunner that can act as special entry point for other applications embedding JsUnit. Such a TestRunner has a run method that takes an array of Strings as names of the tests to perform. The ideal combination is a TestCollector implementation that collects these names from the current scope. See as example:
The EmbeddedTextTestRunner simply takes a ResultPrinter implementation as argument (here an implementation that writes HTML code into the document) and uses a TestCaseCollector to find all available TestCase implementations in the current scope. As alternative JsUnit provides also an AllTestsCollector and a TestSuiteColector.
Have a look at the Java code of the package to see how such a construct is used in combination with Rhino - a Java implementation of JavaScript - to generate XML for the various JUnit report generators:
The examples are also ports from the originals that accompany JUnit. Please note that the last test case of SimpleTest is supposed to fail to demonstrate this case.
Most supported environments cannot share their test application. Therefore are a lot of AllTests*.* files part of the sample package. See the list below for all deliveries. Individual execution of the examples is available in the product specific documentation.
Files | Environment |
Any browser with a JavaScript implementation capable of exceptions
<td>AllTests.vup</td> <td>Project for Microsoft Visual Interdev</td>
<td>AllTests.wsf</td> <td>Script for Windows Script Host. Run best with <em>cscript</em></td>
<td>AllTestsBV<br>AllTestsBV.jsp</td> <td>JavaScript Server Page of BroadVision's One-2-one server. Use the script AllTestsBV to start the <em>ctxdriver</em> for command line invocation.</td>
<td>AllTestsNS<br>AllTestsNS.html</td> <td>Netscape SSJS application. The shell script uses <em>jsac</em> to compile the web application. The script generates a web file from the HTML source and the other used files.</td>
<td>AllTests.js</td> <td>JavaScript to use with the JavaScript shells. For the Mozilla shells use <em>java -jar js.jar</em> to run <em>Rhino</em> built from Java source or use <em>jsshell</em> resp. <em>js</em> to run <em>SpiderMonkey</em> built from C source. You may also use <em>cscript</em> for this file or <em>kjscmd</em>.</td>
<td>build.xml</td> <td>\ref ant build file that runs the Ant Task for JsUnit tests with the help of <em>Rhino</em>. A test report is generated that can be processed by <em>JUnitReport</em>.</td>
<td>pom.xml</td> <td>Maven 2 project description file that runs the Maven 2 plugin for JsUnit tests with the help of <em>Rhino</em>. A test report is generated that can be processed by the <em>Surefire Report</em> plugin.</td>
JsUnit © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007 by Jörg Schaible
Generated on Wed Apr 15 2015 02:33:06 for JsUnit by doxygen 1.8.5